Register and Add Your Business to Our Realtor / Rental Agency Listings

Register My Real Estate Business Now » offers a totally free service to inmobiliarias to list their business and properties on our site.

The main advantages of listing your business are

  • Receive enquiries / leads from interested clients directly to your email Every month we pass around 23,000 leads on average 10 per property published from people who having read the particulars of a property wish to be contacted with more information. Our web site works, check out our testimonials page
  • Gain more exposure for your business and your brand your business will have its own page on our site where people can see all your properties published beneath your business profile, people can rate your service and send you comments directly. This can help encourage other clients to use your service ahead of your competitors.
  • Receive enquiries for property appraisals We receive enquiries from clients wishing to appraise and sell their properties, if you wish to work with us in doing property appraisals we can help you sell more property and close more business. If you wish to find out more about this service please read this page or contact us.
  • It's free! for the basic service of listing and receiving property enquiries the web site is and will remain completely free.

Register My Real Estate Business Now »

Receive enquiries for your properties

When you register your account and business, you can then list one or more of the properties that you are marketing. When you list a property it will appear on the listings part of the web site. People searching for properties will then be able to find it. If a potential client wishes to contact you about the property they can view your contact details by sending you an enquiry this way both you and the interested party can get in contact with each other. The quality of the leads that you get tends to be higher as only people who have fully read the properties particulars and are motivated enough to send you an enquiry can access your details.

We receive around 23,000 leads a month for properties on the web site.

Increase your brand exposure and the number of people seeing your properties

When you register your account and business all your property listings and promotional information about your business will appear on your own page on the web site.
We receive around 190,000 unique visitors each month looking specifically for property in buenos aires city and buenos aires province. Your business information will be accessable to them. You can encourage existing clients to leave testimonials and comments to encourage future clients to use your real estate service ahead of your competitors we aim to make it easy for you to distinguish yourself in th real estate industry.

Receive appraisal / valuation leads

Each day we receive requests from home owners in the Buenos Aires area, wishing to appraise their properties in order to find a fair market value so that they can sell them.
If you wish us to pass you appraisal requests then please contact us through the form or by calling us at (+54) (0) 11 6091 7761. We charge for this service.

The basic listings service is free!

We do not charge to list your properties or your business on the site. There is no monthly subscription and we do not charge commission on the properties that you sell through the leads that come from the site.
Our aim is to provide an effective and free resource for people, realtors and temporary rental agents looking to buy, sell and rent property in the buenos aires area.

Still have some questions?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to tell us by:
  • calling us at (+54) (0) 11 6091 7761
  • or sending your enquiry using this form and we'll call you back directly.

Register My Real Estate Business Now »

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